.. highlight:: rest Installing DESPOTIC =================== DESPOTIC is distributed in two ways. Installing from git ------------------- The full source distribution, including example Python programs using it and sample cloud descriptor files, is available from `bitbucket `_, and can be obtained via git by doing:: git clone git@bitbucket.org:krumholz/despotic.git The package can then be installed by doing:: python setup.py install in the ``despotic`` directory. You may need to preface this with ``sudo`` if you want to install in a way that is accessible for all users on the system. Installing from pip ------------------- DESPOTIC is also available through the python package index. If you have pip installed, you can just type:: pip install despotic As with the setup via ``git``, you may need to preface this with ``sudo`` to install globally. Setting Up the Environment -------------------------- DESPOTIC creates a local cache of atomic and molecular data files. You can specify the location of this cache by setting the ``$DESPOTIC_HOME`` environment variable; the data cache will be created in ``$DESPOTIC_HOME/LAMDA`` If you are using a ``bash``-like shell, the syntax to set the location of ``$DESPOTIC_HOME`` is:: export DESPOTIC_HOME = /path/to/despotic while for a ``csh``-like shell, it is:: setenv DESPOTIC_HOME /path/to/despotic If ``$DESPOTIC_HOME`` is not set, then DESPOTIC will attempt to create the cache in the directory from which it is run. Requirements and Dependencies ----------------------------- DESPOTIC requires * `scipy >= 0.11.0` * `cython >= 0.20.x` * `matplotlib >= 1.3.x` .. _ssec-winds-installation: Installing the ``despotic.winds`` Module ---------------------------------------- The ``despotic.winds`` module (see :ref:`sec-winds`) is written in C++, and makes use of the `GNU scientific library `_. Users who wish to make use of this package will need to compile the C++ portions of the software. This process should be automatic for users who have an installed C++ compiler and standard build tools (``make``), and who have the `GSL `_ headers and library installed in their ``CXX_INCLUDE_PATH`` and ``LIBRARY_PATH``, respectively. If this does not work, users should be able to build the required C++ library by changing into the ``despotic/winds`` directory and doing ``make``. Users can edit the ``Makefile`` in ``despotic/winds`` as necessary to tailor the build for their environment. The ``winds`` module is not required for the operation of the rest of the code, so users who are not planning to make use of this capability can safely ignore it.